
Instead of using the CMS to produce your own applications, you may want to ask Armadillo to do this for you.

This could be for several reasons:

  • you don’t have the in-house capacity
  • you need some books created very quickly
  • you need some custom features
  • you only need one book creating

Whatever the reason we can create a single book or a whole library for you.

Some of the projects we’ve worked on include:

Natural History Museum
An animated herbarium where insects came to life as the pages turned.

Rochester Cathedral
The Textus Roffensis which included overlays to draw attention to parts of the page.

The Parker Library
Maps and books, the text of which can be magically translated to modern English.

British Library
The Diamond SÅ«tra scroll

Chopin Museum (Warsaw)
Turning the Pages which used RFID tags that could detect a users nationality and switch the interpretative material accordingly.

We have also designed and implemented custom interfaces for many institutions including the NHM and Royal Collections.

Contact Us
To find out more about Turning the Pages, or for an estimate for your next project email us. or call us on:
+ 44 (0)207 043 1057

To find out what else we do, take a look at the Armadillo website.